

NEW VET “Network fostering the European Work-based learning system for VET providers” will meet the specific objective of strengthening networks among VET providers at national and regional level by engaging its partners in transnational capacity building for the exchange of knowledge and experience of different VET policy implementation and for better transfer good practices on VET excellence from partner countries (Italy, France, Germany, Greece and Slovenia).

NEW VET objectives are:

  • Systemise national networking opportunities for VET providers to further become effective lever in supporting VET reforms at their national and EU level.
  • Increase the quality of national VET systems giving effective implementation to EU recommendations and tools (i.e. ECVET);
  • Raise awareness on the Work-Based Learning system to make VET a more popular and attractive system among learners, their parents, teachers and companies.

To meet its objectives, NEW VET will pilot an empowering approach for multilevel cooperation among VET providers by creating transnational and national VET providers’ partnerships, to work together to systematise mobilities and training opportunities for learners and trainers belonging to their Work-Based Learning frameworks. Through the multilevel pilot activities, VET providers will gain, not only the ability to lead cooperation projects at national levels but also to further involve VET providers having never contributed or benefit from the European cooperation. Furthermore, VET teachers and trainers will be empowered in the effective use of the EU funded tools in their national languages and they will become effective drivers of VET quality and efficiency enhancing the impact and the relevance of VET national systems to which they belong.

Furthermore, and to foster the communication, dissemination and support for the VET Policy Agenda NEW VET will implement target activities to spread the attractiveness of the VET system both at EU and at each partner’s national level. This will be achieved by mainstreaming direct experiences of the VET policy implementation through several communication channels and bottom up storytelling initiatives and inspirations stories shared by the very same beneficiaries of the VET system (i.e. learners and teachers and in-company trainers). Project activities will make viral the message “You can follow your talent, VET is a first choice!” and partners will contribute in making national VET systems more popular and attractive by launching contests, awarding high-profile prizes and organizing innovative events