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From 21 to 23 January 2020 NEW VET partners followed the 1st NEW VET transnational capacity building training hotspot in IAL NAZIONALE Headquarters in Rome. The aim of the training was the sharing of best experiences and the promotion of mutual learning among VET organizations on how to effectively approach and further benefit from EU funding instruments for VET systems – both at national and European levels.

On the first day, two experts informed NEW VET partners about the European Union’s Policies for the next programming period 2021-2027. Ms. Hrelja from T33 and Mr. Chelli from FASI.BIS presented and discussed the latest developments in relation to the EU budgetary priorities, especially concerning ESF and Horizon 2020.

The second day of the hotspot training, presentations focused on Italy’s experience in Erasmus+ and the results Italy has achieved in the VET field for the past five years. Mr. Arenare provided some useful insights regarding strategic partnerships while Ms. Borlone discussed mobility projects in the field of education. EQAVET: From EU framework to the Italian Implementation was presented by Ms. Fonzo. The second day of the hotspot training concluded with the presentation and discussion of best VET practices in work-based learning from the project partners.

The third and the last day of the training consisted on a workshop on EU project writing. Ms. Puel, as an expert facilitator had prepared an interactive workshop and explained how to approach real needs to tangible results in project proposals.

The second NEW VET hotspot training discussing the transfer of the ECVET system and tools to the national work-based learning experiences will take place in France in June.

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